Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Why lying is good essay

Lying is good

Yes, yes, you heard right.

If we bring Kant's moral imperatives to the point of absurdity, then on the one hand there is a planet in front of us where people are not able to lie, and therefore there is no humor, fairy tales, and daily stroking compliments in it (“I really liked your casserole, my love!”), or people can lie and ... we get our planet. On which a lie is far from the worst sin.

Just like aggression, a lie is an extremely important category for the survival of the species and society. Well, yes, unpleasant, when directed to you, but permissible in most cases, in some - the lesser evil.

Here are collected works in which a lie is not just justified, but is considered good. In the end, most of us sympathize with adventurers, not with rigid morality.

Close paths - Lie for good: we are talking about isolated cases of deception.

Immediately the main thing is not to twist in the opposite direction, but recently a Cretan citizen came to me, told me that all Cretans were liars ...
R. Sabatini, Odyssey of Captain Blood. Blood and his comrades regularly lie to enemies.
Yudkovsky's “triple contact” - the alien civilization of sexual hedonists recognizes people the right to lie and, as a result, humor, although it considers it a strange product of our thinking. Sympathy reader - on the side of people.
“The pursuit of the tail” by A. Gromov - to save the rest of humanity from the out-of-control mirmikantropes makes considerable efforts to deceive the captive enemy ... In order to understand all the diabolical cunning of this act, it is better to read the story itself - a short summary will not work here.
“Odyssey of Captain Blood”, “The Lord of the Rings”, “Harry Potter” and a huge number of other books about the war - the deception of the enemy is always a good thing and usually is not even called a lie.
“Liar, Liar” - a lawyer has to lie to achieve success in court, but then he loses this remarkable ability. A fantastic fable tries to tell us: “To lie is bad!”, But at the same time the moral is different: “Don't lie to your child, lie more at work!”.
"The invention of lies" - there is generally a pedal to the floor. On the planet, one man suddenly learned to lie. And such creativity at once flooded, and such success on all fronts ...
"The magic voice of Gelsomino" based on the fairy tale of Gianni Rodari. The song is about the fact that "not only a sword, not only a whip, and a lie is necessary to the crown" and that "a lie is beautiful when it is useful and terrible when it is harmful." Zigzag, as this is a villainous song.
TV serials
"Doctor House" - Gregory House and members of his team in word and deed prove this postulate almost in every episode.
Another Doctor, originally from the planet Gallifrey, also knows that sometimes it is better to lie than to tell the truth, but only some persistent personalities get to the unpleasant truth themselves ... oh.
Star Gate: The Universe. So, Dr. Nicholas Rush, the still unbearable genius after his next trick (for a second, the ship's commander's backbone) was left to die on the planet, but somehow didn’t grow together, he managed to get out. And then Dr. Rush ... supports the lie of the ship's commander that he was abandoned on the planet due to an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances, and not malicious intent! In a personal conversation after the fact, both men agree that no one needs an extra reason for scandals in a very closed community with a very nervous atmosphere.

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